You can read the testimonials of previous clients below. If you would like to write your own based on your experience working with us, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
The very first time we used the Potty Pony Pals DVD and garment it was clear how fun it was to learn together. My daughter loves to watch the DVD with her friends. I would recommend this to any parent.
Frances Muller
It’s awesome!
Frances Muller
Roxanne DeBord
Hi, this is Roxanne from Children Teaching Mama. I was just checking in with you to let you know how happy I am. Potty Pony Pals has gotten Josiah on the right track for potty training. He loves the video and watched it several times AND this was the first training pant that actually encouraged him to use the potty. I am sooo excited and pleased with it. Again, thanks so much for your wonderful products! I was beginning to give up on potty training, but my faith has been renewed!
Roxanne DeBord